السبت,1 أكتوبر 2011 - 12:00 ص : 24640
كتب elhossien mahmoud
An individual who moves back and forth between public office and private companies, exploiting his/her period of government service for the benefit of the companies they used to regulate.64
Example in practice
One member of Lockheed Martin’s Board of Directors earned his position shortly after retiring from the United States government, where he served as Under-Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,Technology, and Logistics. During his time in this government position, he approved the contract forLockheed Martin’s controversial F-22 fighter jet.65
Relevant links
—— Center for Responsive Politics.
—— Revolving Door Working Group 2005.
United Nations Development Programme, Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives: Accelerating Human Development in the Asia and the Pacific (New Delhi: Macmillan, 2008).