الجمعة,11 نوفمبر 2011 - 10:45 ص
: 25283    

The Executive Branch is headed by the President, who serve a four-year term. The constitution requires the president to be a native-born American citizen at least 35 years of age.

The vice president is elected at the same time and is first in line to assume the presidency should the president die, become incapacitated or be removed from office upon impeachment and conviction.
Although the Executive Branch shares powers co-equally with the other two branches of government, the president is the most powerful individual in the government.
The powers and roles of the president in America :
1)  Appointing Supreme Court justices and lower federal court judges, all of whom must be confirmed by the Senate.
2)  Appointing a cabinet secretaries and agency heads who must be confirmed by the Senate.
3) Acting as a commander in chief of the military.
4) Acting as head of stat.
 5) Negotiating international treaties which must be ratified by the Senate.
6) Vetoing legislation passed by Congress.
7) Granting pardons and reprieves for federal crimes .
In addition to these constitutional powers, the president in practice has other powers that are either informal or not expressly provided for the constitution. First and foremost, the president may issue executive orders, which are directives that have the force of law.
Executive orders are commonly used for purposes such as:
a) Establishing new programs, offices or commissions to promote or carry out the president¢s political agenda.
b) Creating policies that affect how legislation passed by congress is be carried out or enforced.
c) Declaring when the federal workforce will observe holidays
d) Finally, the president serves as the head of his political party and can use the stature and visibility of the presidency to articulate political views and advance political objectives, both with the public and with members of his party in congress.


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