الخميس,29 مارس 2012 - 08:11 ص
: 11449    

كتب Elhossien mahmoud

In 1992 David Osborne and Ted Gaebler wrote the book "Re-inventing Government", which deals with the major governmental problems and challenges the American administration, is facing. Bill Clinton has changed this book to an action plan and applied it in an own initiative.


We need such an initiative for “re-inventing” government in Egypt – more so after the revolution.

 Egyptian government needs the re-inventing particularly in four main ways:

 1-     Law reform: laws need to be changed especially with regard to:

-         Limitation of presidential power; especially the president’s power over law decisions.

-         Decentralization of administrative power: the double centralization of the capital and the government ("Anyone wants to have a strong business must be in the capital and must have relations with the government") needs to ease and loosen up.

-         Good Governance: strong and effective governmental accountability and transparency system.

 2-     Liberalization of the economy by having a strong private sector, also  laws against Monopoly and laws to protect Consumers are needed in order to liberalize the economy.

3-     Empowering the civil society: the implementation of  the social support to the society so the government can reduce the public aid to give it to let the poorer levels gain it specially if we know that only 25% from the poor people get Beneficiary from this aids and the rest are fom the rich people.

4-     Decentralization: the establishment of a decentralized system with democratic rules is crucial to fight corruption and especially the favoritism and nepotism. In this context executive positions at the regional and local level should be appointed through legal, fair and transparent procedures and not be recruited from ex military personnel as it is currently the case.

So government now is the main problem for the people that stand against their real needs and the Bureaucratic system was the main Beneficiary from the Ex-regime and first praiorty now must be changing it.



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